It was a bright, sunny and warm Monday morning. Having slept early the night before, I woke up early, feeling as fresh as a morning dew. I excitedly jumped out of my bed and went to make an international call. As usual, I was disappointed to hear the same recorded voice. So, I decided to while my time away in the net. Of all the contacts online, there was a girl who I had met and be-friended few years back during an usual Sunday hangout. Though we had met almost 3 years back, we hadn't faced each other ever since. Of course, I used to call her once in a blue moon, but more often than not, it used to be during those Sundays, in good mood. I specially love to talk to people when I am kinda drunk. Normally, I think I am kinda quiet person who doesn't like to talk much. When I am tipsy, drunk, in a good mood or in a high (whatever you call it), its just the opposite. At times, I've locked my cell phone away so that I don't disturb people during odd hours with my insanity. S...