A dreadful month.....
If I bragged about all my achievements and glories in the month of Sep, then its only fair that I talk about the very next month, coz Oct '07 too was an unforgettable one but for all the wrong reasons. Well, I honestly feel that if one is eager enough to talk about their glories or achievements then he/she should have the guts to be able to talk about failures too because failures and successes go hand in hand. Well I will save both your time and the details coz there are very few people who would be interested in someone else's problems as each one of us have more than enough to handle our own. On the professional front, it definitely wasn't a month even worth talking about. On the personal front, I had to take some steps that I wasn't and am not yet sure of. I will let time be the judge. Though I knew that it was coming along I guess I wasn't ready to walk the dreaded path. No matter what the ultimate outcome, one thing I am sure about is, I am not going to regret...